Countless fascinating tales have emerged from Greek Mythology making a long-lasting impact on modern society. One of the many epic stories retold throughout history is that of three Greek goddesses known as the Erinyes. Powerful and compelling, the inspiration for this project is attributed to the legacy of the Erinyes entailing the embodiment of female empowerment and pursuit for justice. The Erinyes rehabilitation center provides a safe haven for female survivors who are victims of sexual assault. The complexity of the healing process for such traumatic events requires a safe supportive culture and a space strategically designed for healing. The holistic healing process begins with creating a space combining ample natural lighting and an abundance of botanical gardens. Upon entering our center, you are greeted with a spacious courtyard where you will find our carefully tendered Zen Garden as the focal point. Three floors of open space, each level utilizing every inch to create a harmonious experience with a layout of gardens. Within our rehabilitation center are programs for physical, mental, and emotional treatments. Patients have the option to visit our center on a scheduled appointment basis or to stay in our facilities for a period of time to their liking. The structure of this design resembles the stages of the healing process. Starting with self-admission, patients will transition to physical exercise and release emotional wounds. Lastly, a stay at our facility providing a safe space will help in regaining personal strengths while giving the opportunity to interact with others and build meaningful bonds and relationships.